May the Fourth Be With You: Star Wars Break

Despite the blog's Star Trek reference, I as the Loonatic clearly have an obsession with Star Wars. So while we're exploring all these other genres of geekdom, I've been simultaneously chipping away at Star Wars projects and posts. And of course with recent news and today's special triple-word-score-level pun it would be a crime to pass up this opportunity to gush some more about Star Wars. So, if you would, prepare yourself for a brief intermission in our superhero series and brace yourself for the jump to hyperspace. 

1. Star Wars Celebration
In April the biggest Star Wars only convention landed in Chicago. This is especially welcome as they didn't have one in 2018 and we're within a year's time of another major Star Wars film. I sadly had to observe this festival of fandom from afar, but it brought a lot of news and great cosplay photos. Lots of panels with the actors, teaser trailers, merchandise, and random shenanigans. Though I had not heard of it before, it seems that they also do a "Running of the Willrow Hoods". What the heck does that mean? OK remember that random guy in an orange jumpsuit who is running with what seems to be an ice cream maker in his arms in the evacuation of Cloud City? Well if not I forgive you but still sentence you to re-watch Empire Strikes Back or at least check out a recap video like this. If you know exactly who I'm talking about and can describe Willrow Hood's heroic backstory then I salute you. Anyway, it makes me happy this is a thing. One day the Celebration will return within striking distance of me, but for 2020 it is bound for Anaheim to thrill the geeks of the west coast. 

2. The Rise of Skywalker
The clock is ticking on a lot of exciting new Star Wars content, probably the biggest being the last film of the new trilogy, Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker. It is set to come out around Christmas of this year, but we recently got a taste of the movie in the form of a teaser trailer at the convention. We get Luke's mentoring voice, Rey getting all Jedi on us, some Kylo rage, and a creepy cackle. Apparently that cackle was Emperor Palpatine, could he have been the villain all along? Impossible to tell what the heck is going on, but really if it spoiled the movie then what would be the point? Whatever the point is it looks awesome and I'm so excited. Watch it. And then watch it a hundred more times. And then watch some videos on some crazy theories, just to think waaay too much about it. 

3. The Mandalorian
Another sneak peek that came out at Star Wars Celebration was for the upcoming online series The Mandalorian, also premiering at the end of the year. Sucks that it'll be locked up in a streaming service, but the little I've seen looks amazing. Kind of refreshing to have a Star Wars series that is not animated and is actually aimed at an adult audience. As I said before it looks like there's going to be a lot of room for new stories, has an incredible line-up of directors, and seems to being going for a little more grit. As the trailer itself is only been put on YouTube from fans capturing it on their phones at the panel, it's hard to get all the details. But before the sneak peak they also get into some of the old-school effects they're working to replicate from the original trilogy. It's a good indication that this series will continue this trend of rooting itself in practical effects rather than CGI, which I am all for. 

And a little closer to home:

1. Progress on Iden Versio build
Since late last year, I've been able to the belt, leg harness, leg flares, and blaster. I'll post all the tutorials later on, but in the mean time I just need to add pockets to the flightsuit, make the chest harness, and tackle the seeker droid. One day it shall be finished!

2. Progress on Jedi builds
Even before working on the Iden Versio build, I was sewing some tabards and tunics for an Old Republic Jedi. Not exactly topnotch stitching but I'm proud and hope to submit these costumes to Rebel Legion. Didn't think to write them up as tutorials as I was making the pieces, but here's a shot of one of the finished costumes. Bow before my next-level nerdiness!

And also, happy May 4th! May the Force be with you...


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