Loonatic's Favorite Steampunk Movies

Steampunk is such a fantastic genre, but which movies truly fit the description? It's all up for debate, but I have a few favorites that in one way or another share the aesthetic, technology, themes, or adventures of the steampunk world. 1. City of Lost Children (1995) Sweet, beautiful, and eerily strange. This quirky little film easily takes the top spot in my reckoning of steampunk movies. In this twisted tale, a mad scientist's creation steals children in order to suck the dreams right out of their heads. When a circus strongman's adopted brother is kidnapped, he and an orphan girl have to overcome a cult of cyborg henchmen and scheming Siamese twins gang leaders to rescue the children. Sure that sounds surreal, but you really have to redefine that word after watching this film. For a movie involving stolen dreams, the characters, settings, and plot make it like you're walking through an even stranger dream. The plot is tangled, the meaning unclear. But it ...