How to make the Stargate Anubis Guard Ring Remote

If you're a Prime for Ra, a key part of your gear is the ring remote gauntlet. In the original film it's a device that summons rings for instant transportation, with a chainmail glove, claws, and blue jewel activation button. For this version I opted for blue LED as a light-up activation button, which may not be strictly screen-accurate but is shiny and awesome. For more about how you can make your very own budget ring remote, see below. References Materials -EVA foam 8mm -EVA foam 5mm -Foam sheet 2mm -1inch wide black nylon webbing -Black 1-inch elastic -Plastidip -Dark copper spray paint -Silver metallic spray paint -Turquoise acrylic paint -Clear coat sealer -Blue underwater LED light -Old sock (preferable white or gray with little patterning) -Metallic silver netting fabric -Sew-on snap -Ring blanks -Dark blue marbles -Metallic gold marker Tools -Boxcutter -Dremel with sanding drum -Woodburner -Heat gun -Scissors -Hot glue -E6...