Dinotopian Librarian: A Costume Build

I really have no exxcuses for this, except that the Loonatic made me do it. Most of it is really just things I found in my closet (or ferreted out of the Loonatic's), supplemented with a trip to a thrift store and a couple of weird accessories I made myself. And from that, I give you: Dinotopia's greatest (and sweatiest) adventuring librarian! 1. Shirt This is purely a result of trawling of through a couple Goodwills, but it's well worth it. I don't have any great shots of this shirt, but it's the perfect base for this outfit. Big and blouse-y, this silky button up has a modesty panel that covers the buttons and a faux-wraparound collar that makes the shirt look much more Victorian than it is. 2. Pants Really, this is pretty much just a result of watching Pirates of the Caribbean and going to Goodwill. Fortunately, grandma's golfing bermuda shorts are popular cast-offs right now, so being a swashbuckler is weirdly easy. 3. Shoes Like ...