Starbat's Bubblegum Post-Apocalyptic Raider Build

Post-apocalyptic characters come in all flavors, it's part of it's charm as an aesthetic. From the Loonatic we saw the darker, cooler side of genre. However, that leaves the wackier, more colorful side out in the cold. In order to rectify this, I've put together a Tank Girl/Solarbabies outfit for the apocalypse survivor who still knows how to have fun.

Tell me what you know or face the wrath of my water pistol!

I think it would have looked more authentic if I'd rolled around in the dirt


1. Dress

This whole stupid outfit started because I picked up a couple of pink accessories that fit a more apocalyptic aesthetic. So, of course, that meant it was time to break out my pride and joy, my beautiful pink unicorn dress (I may have bought in the children's section of Target, so sue me).

2. Goggles

As far as I can tell, these are probably field hockey mask/goggles. I admit that I don't really care, but I do think they are damned cool, and I'm a sucker for all the weird sports equipment I find in thrift stores.

3. Earrings

I love these earrings to pieces. They are my absolute favorite combination of cute and creepy, and I will never forgive myself because I can't remember who made them. I got them from MegaCon Orlando this year, and I immediately lost the seller's card.

4. Guns

So, obviously at this point I needed more pink, so I hit up Michael's during one of their periodic sales and grabbed this pair of tiny pink water pistols. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they were made for children, but that hasn't stopped me so far (see the dress for further evidence).

5. Armor

As an homage to Solarbabies and Mad Max, I must assume that in the darkest futures we would resort to using sports equipment to defend ourselves from the zombie hordes. Therefore the best and easiest defense would be to rock some football pads like these.

6. Boots

As mentioned above, if you don't have access to military equipment, sports equipment starts to looks like a pretty good replacement. These glorious, falling apart boots may not let me move my ankles, but hell if any undead thing is biting through them either.


Kickin' back in the park

Guard duty, or: A Metaphor For Cutthroat Plutocracy In The Face Of Societal Annihilation
