How to make a Jedi crusader pendant

In the Last Jedi, there was a background prop on Ahch-To. A very small prop in the quarters of Luke Skywalker. Who cares right? It's just a cool looking necklace with a crystal in it, no need to get caught up in-- *Nerd alert* All hands on deck* --but in the Last Jedi Visual Encyclopedia they call it a "Jedi crusader pendant"! What does that mean? That a Jedi took a trophy from a dead Sith is unthinkable considering what we know in the prequel films. Unless they're referring to the Revan era of the Old Republic. Maybe it's an Easter egg for a new movie trilogy? For the love of the Force make this from the Revan era! WE NEED A REVAN MOVIE-- * Resuming normality* --wait what? Sorry, I must have slipped into Expanded Universe mode. Anyway, it's a cool prop and I thought I'd try to recreate it with some basic hardware and crafting materials. Here it is! Loonatic's build of crusader pendant (upper left), closeup of Jedi crusader pendant (upp...