Raypunk Comics and Animation

For me, raypunk is a very visually-grounded genre. I don't so much think about narrative tropes or classic storylines, but rather architecture and costumes. For that reason, it's difficult for me to put together a list of raypunk books. However, it does mean that comics, especially classic space-based comics, are a perfect medium for the genre. Not only are they are visually-based genre, they also were born from (and continue to thrive on) bright colors, spandex, and a complete disregard for physics. I'm also rolling western animation into this as well, because a lot of the comics I discuss here are also cartoons at some point in their history. Fair warning: I know more DC titles, so a lot of the comics are going to be DC. Adam Strange You know, I've never been a huge Adam Strange fan, but it remains one of the very first things that comes to my mind when I think of the raypunk genre. He's got it all, the rayguns, the jetpack, the brightly colored spandex...