Loonatic's Favorite Off-Brand Superhero Movies and TV Series

As we all know, there are a ton of comic book movies and series out there, and quite a few of them are fantastic. Nearly everyone can at least name one Avenger, and many more have watched the ups and downs of Batman. With Marvel steamrolling their competition in blockbusters and streaming services alike and DC gamely trying to match them, it's easy to forget the lots of little films and series that don't exactly align the recognizable Avengers or Justice League brands. Some of the ones I looked at are in fact part of the Marvel or DC universes, but they often get classed with the broader action or horror genres. 1. The Tick (2017-present) Arthur Everest is a normal guy with a tragic backstory who is just wants to hold a steady job and to not believe the hallucinations. But destiny cannot be denied! In trying to determine what's real and what's just conspiracy Arthur runs into the Tick, a superpowered amnesiac in blue who's aimlessly bouncing from bad guy to bad ...