Thrift Store Ideas (High Fantasy)

1. Necromancer's lair lantern Lots of Halloween décor could easily be used for pieces to recreate a necromancer's or other dark magic-user's lair. These surplus skull-and-crow lanterns were found in a thrift store for about $10, but you can likely buy these very cheaply close to or after Halloween. The lantern has a LED light, but this object can benefit from additional lights in the orbital sockets of the skull, or additional weathering and aging done to the skull. 2. Royal storage container This started out life as metal-plated ice bucket, and was found in a thrift store for $2. Unaltered this works pretty well as a themed storage container for food or other objects. But you could also using ageing techniques to tone down the newness, add faux jewels, etc. 3. Pedestal for magical artifact I'm not sure what this started out as, but I found this wooden stand-like object for about $2. It could be used as the base or pedestal for a crystal ball, creature, m...