Starbat's Togruta Cosplay Headpiece Tutorial

Making A Togruta Headpiece: 14 Easy-ish Steps As it so happens, Togruta are some of my favorite aliens in the universe. They're colorful, they're badass hunters, and they've got a very distinctive silhouette. Plus, with the popularity of Ahsoka Tano (much deserved, she is super f**king awesome), there's been an amazing boom in cosplay of this delightful species. However, most of the cosplay I've seen centers around Ahsoka Tano and her relatively small montrals (the horn-like projections on top of a Togruta head) and lekku (the three "head-tails" that hang down from the montrals). Ahsoka is not impressed And while this is wonderful, I've always been in love with Shaak Ti's much larger montrals and lekku. Shaak Ti is also unimpressed And because I have no sense of reasonable project ambitions, I wanted to make for myself a Togruta headpiece of such majestic Shaak Ti proportions. So here's the story. Materials Montrals 1 Cheap Bike Helmet. The ch...